Pre-packaged Private Masterclass on
Sales Performance Management
Pre-built B2B Tech Playbooks. 4 weeks program. Instantly applicable.
Masterclass Forecast2Commit © - Make accurate sales forecasting
Your sales forecast is infrequent or unreliable? Forecasting should not be a guess nor a wish. With Forecast2Commit © masterclass, make accurate sales forecast based on market practice, benchmark and ready to be used templates.
Masterclass Process2Commit © - Industrialize your sales cycle
Your reps are missing clear and applicable sales process? Your pipe creation generates a lot of fake pipe? Your sales cycle has unclear accountability across Marketing / SDR / Sales? With Process2Commit © set up industrialized pipe creation and sales process, customer oriented pipe structure based on market practice, benchmark and ready to be used templates.
Masterclass Churn2Commit © - Forecast Churn and Net New ARR
You forecast new bookings but if you don’t forecast churn & downsell, you are missing half of the picture! With Churn2Commit © masterclass, design churn forecasting process and governance, based on market practice, benchmark and ready to be used templates.
Get a predictable revenue performance with the right sales playbook
Revenue performance is not just about talent. Revenue is a business process that must be supported by a playbook to maximize productivity and reliability, so that your sales machine is delivering 100% of her potential. Shorten the time to acquire the fundamentals of performance management with SnowLeopard Sales Academy pre-packaged masterclass!
Skip SnowLeopard Sales Academy if...
If you are in one of these situations, you don’t need SnowLeopard Sales Academy:
- your sales process are well formalized and described
- your sales playbook is applied homogeneously and rigorously
- your forecasting is always 100% accurate
- your quotas are defined consistently with your performance
- you already apply all market practice