Make Revenue Generation of your B2B Tech
Portfolio Companies more Predictable
Help your B2B Tech portfolio companies forecast accurately and anticipate sales performance issues with industry specific pre-packaged solutions
Missing the right sales dashboard with your B2B Tech portfolio companies?
With SnowLeopard Platform, out of the box and dedicated to B2B Tech, get a 360 dashboard of sales performance, not just last quarter bookings and current quarter forecast! Next quarters pipe, pipe creation, win ratio, time to closing, average deal size, per geo, per segment,… spot the areas of under-performance to be fixed.
Missing skills and know how to industrialize sales process of your B2B Tech portfolio companies?
Quality of sales process and revenue operations is a key driver of your portfolio performance. Help your companies build a reliable forecast, define meaningful quotas, design efficient sales process and set comprehensive performance KPIs with SnowLeopard Sales Academy pre-packaged industry specific masterclass.